50 : c_masterminds Springboard 21

Aug 15, 2008 23:53

What inspired you to become a cop? Does it run in the family? Did your family encourage you or discourage you?

I decided to get into law enforcement because of my father. He was a well-respected senior investigator for the Department of Justice; at the time of his death he supervised a team of agents. He didn't do it because anyone in the family had done it before him; he just wanted to serve his country. He wasn't out being the hero, but he was the guy that everybody could rely on. I admired his integrity, honesty and how he made a real difference every day he went to work. I decided I wanted to be the kind of person that he was.

I never made any real secret of my decision to become a cop, especially since it was obvious early on that I wouldn't be joining my brother in professional baseball. At least not in any way that would satisfy me. Dad gave me the benefit of his experience any way he could, but he didn't cheat me out of the experience; he helped me but he didn't help me so much that it became easier for me than it should have been for anyone else. Mom didn't have a problem with it; at least, not until Dad died.

I have my theories on why my mother despises what I do, most of which involve my father's death. She tells me that I'm a woman in a male-dominated profession, a so-called 'boys' club' that I have no business being a part of. She disapproves of my lack of gender politics. She likes to insinuate that I'm sleeping with my partner just because he happens to be a man that I spend a lot of time with. We don't talk all that often because all we do is argue: about my job, about my partner, about everything. We're both adults; I'm too tired to fight with her about the same things all the time. For whatever reason, she'll never approve of my life, and I'm thirty-seven years old. I stopped needing her approval a long time ago.

The rest of my family has always been very supportive of me. My brother is proud of me. My sister was before she died. Sometimes I wonder about my father. Not that he wouldn't be proud of me, but I'll never be the agent he was. He had a long and successful career. I have a career that's on life support. I can't live up to his example. As much as I know he'd say that's not the point - that the point is standing up for what and who you believe in - it bothers me when I compare the two of us. He got me here, but it's my responsibility, how I've turned out.

Muse: Stark Patrick
Fandom: The X-Files (OC)
Words: 453

time: post-canon, c_masterminds

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