What color is most reflective of you- erm. rainbow? i have many sides to me.
How did you get the idea for your diary name?- the simply_amazed one is from when i had to see if there was something dan was doing wrong when he was trying to make his journal so I made a random one and I decided to make it simply amazed cause I was just simply amazed at our relationship. or something like that. folky812 is pretty obvious.
What song are you playing now, or wish you were playing?- i'm listening to "dare you to move" by switchfoot.
Has the death of a celebrity ever made you cry?- yes. john ritter.
What color underwear are you wearing?- purple & blue stripes :)
Do you want a baby?- later in life.
What does your mom do for a living- she's a mom of 5 nutcases. trust me, that's enough work for anyone.
What does your dad do for a living- sell fiber glass WOO
What color are your bedsheets?- harry potter :D
What song are you playing now?- "say it ain't so"-weezer, but i'm changing it to "my name is" by eminem ahhaha
What was the last concert you attended? -second season? :P n'sync haha
Who was with you?- second season-->half of wilmington...n'sync-->my family. what an outing...
What was the last movie you saw?- Shrek 2 at home or The Grudge in theatres
Who do you dislike most at this moment?- Janice
What food are you craving right now- um nothing
What is your fave piece of jewelry- necklace (not "neckless")
Who is your best friend of the opposite sex- not counting bf? kevin, probably.
Write a song lyric that's in your head- "you wanna run around talkin' 'bout guns like I ain't got none...what do you think I SOLD them all cause I'm STABLE..."
What song is that from- "forgot about dre"-dr dre/eminem
Who last imed you- jill
Where is your signifigant other right now?- syracuse, ny
Do you have a crush?- according to my mother and sister? ihave about a hundred...jeeprs.
What is his name?- according to my mum and mon? hmm kevin, adam, skinner, kevin, pat, etc. ai ai ai.
What shampoo do you use- pantene, tresemme, or fructis. depending on what i feel like.
When was the last time you cut your hair- 10/8
Do you have a mental disease- only insanity
What color is your razor- blue
Can you imagine yourself ever getting married- absolutely.
(x) - you've done
( ) - you haven't done
(?) - maybe...
(?) been drunk
( ) been high
(x) kissed a member of the opposite sex
(?) kissed a member of the same sex
(?) crashed a friend's car
( ) been to Japan
(x) ridden in a taxi
(x) been in love
(x) been dumped
(?) shoplifted
( ) been fired
( ) been in a fist fight
(x) snuck out of my parent's house
(x) ever had a crush on someone of the same sex
(x) had feelings for someone who didnt have them back
( ) been arrested
(?) made out with a stranger
( ) stole something from my job
( ) gone on a blind date
(x ) lied to a friend
(X) had a crush on a teacher
( ) had sex
(?) given or recieved oral sex
( ) celebrated mardi-gras in new orleans
( ) been to Europe
(?) skipped school
( ) slept with a co-worker
( ) been married
( ) gotten divorced
( ) had children
( ) seen someone die
( ) been to Africa
(x) had a crush on one of my Live journal friends
(x) Slapped someone I loved
( ) Driven over 400 miles to attend a show/festival/fetish ball
(x) Been to Canada
(XX) Been to Mexico (BURGER KING)
(x) Been on a plane
( ) Seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show
( ) Thrown up in a bar
( ) Purposely set a part of myself on fire
( ) Eaten Sushi
( ) Been snowboarding
( ) Met someone in person from the internet
( ) Been moshing at a concert
(?) had real feelings for someone you knew only online
( ) taken partially nude/nude photos of yourself
(?) been in an abusive relationship
( ) been pregnant or got someone pregnant
( ) lost a child
( ) gone to college
( ) graduated college
( ) done hard drugs
(?) tried killing yourself
( ) taken painkillers
(x) love someone or miss someone right now
(x) been out of state
(x) told your parents you hated them
(x) faked being drunk
( ) dropped out of school
( ) crowd surfed
( ) met someone famous
( ) told a member of the same sex you had a crush on them
(x) lied to get out of trouble
(x) lied about your age
( ) thrown up from drinking