Dec 15, 2005 21:31

Littlelaur24: **** WAS MY SUBSTITUTE

Littlelaur24: HE WAS IN MY ROOM
Littlelaur24: like that is such a small probability
CActUScOoleR182: im so FUCKING jealous
Littlelaur24: he did attendance...it just reminded me of how i miss his soft touch
CActUScOoleR182: i miss his sweet embrace
CActUScOoleR182: his passionate kisses
CActUScOoleR182: the way he eye fucked me in class
Littlelaur24: when he would gently stroke my cheek with the back of his rough hand
CActUScOoleR182: he raped me of my innocence
Littlelaur24: he eye fucked me all the time
Littlelaur24: **** is so jealous
CActUScOoleR182: she should be
Littlelaur24: i know we are a huge threat
CActUScOoleR182: the way he would penetrate me with his firm penis
Littlelaur24: ok on the way to school today i was thnking what it would be like to actually kiss him and i had to stop because it became too much
Littlelaur24: like for him to actually lean in and kiss you
Littlelaur24: its too much to thikn about
Littlelaur24: and like grab your waist
CActUScOoleR182: stop making me O
Littlelaur24: im honestly about to
Littlelaur24: like i cant even think about it
CActUScOoleR182: ive had dreams about him before
Littlelaur24: its my #1 fantasy and i always talka bout it but thnking about it it is just too much
Littlelaur24: i think he is the boy ive liked most in my life...like i almost love him
CActUScOoleR182: i love him
Littlelaur24: im in love with him
CActUScOoleR182: i yearn for him with every fiber of my being
Littlelaur24: i really do..i have never wanted anything so bad
CActUScOoleR182: i want to taste his saliva
CActUScOoleR182: i want to caress his sweaty chest
CActUScOoleR182: i want to lie in bed with him for a hundred years
Littlelaur24: STOP
Littlelaur24: please
CActUScOoleR182: haha
Littlelaur24: his chest is so sexy
Littlelaur24: i know what the feeling of yearning is like because of him
Littlelaur24: never knew the power of it before
Littlelaur24: i yearn for him
CActUScOoleR182: he makes me weak in the knees
CActUScOoleR182: i feel faint in his presence
Littlelaur24: he makes my stomach hurt
Littlelaur24: liek burn
CActUScOoleR182: he is a radiant greek god
Littlelaur24: he is the sexiest man alive
Littlelaur24: by far
CActUScOoleR182: he is barely human
Littlelaur24: he is like dorian gray sexy
Littlelaur24: sexier
Littlelaur24: but that kind of cocky sexy
CActUScOoleR182: he is not even a man
CActUScOoleR182: he is decended from the heavens
Littlelaur24: mt olympus actually
CActUScOoleR182: i need to tell him how i feel
CActUScOoleR182: this is too much
Littlelaur24: if you did that would be hilarious and yet the worst decision you could make
Littlelaur24: he knows im in love with him
CActUScOoleR182: how can i tell him how i feel
CActUScOoleR182: words are useless
Littlelaur24: he knows we have huge crushes on him he just doesnt know the extent
CActUScOoleR182: actions are illegal
Littlelaur24: hahahaha
CActUScOoleR182: my passion must defy the law
CActUScOoleR182: i want his so bad.
Littlelaur24: i just want his penis inside of me...like i wouldnt need to get to know him, date him for awhile, if i didnt have the pill, so be it, i dont care
CActUScOoleR182: i would bear 1,000 of his children
Littlelaur24: i would be honores
Littlelaur24: honored*
Littlelaur24: no protection, he can give me an std...at least it will be something to remember him by
CActUScOoleR182: o! to feel his warm sperm wiggle in my belly
Littlelaur24: honestly i want his massive throbbing member inside of my mouth
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