... of the dirt kind.
Ground has been broken on the new homested. After a few weeks of, lets call it 'energetic discussion' with the builder about what we were promised, we have finally signed off on all of the options. Never let it be said that copying the owner doesn't get quick action.
I've been heading out to the build site (henceforth known as Home v2.0) each day at lunch, and I have started a
Flickr album to track to progress.
We still have some work to do at Home v.9 (currently in beta) before we start trying to sell it, and hopefully the weather will cooperate; I am really rather irritated with the whole 'cold-and-rainy-weekend' crap.
On a different note - BBC has started airing season 2 of the new Doctor Who series. I think that putting this on tonight will move me a little further towards 'Best Daddy in the Whole Wide World' status. That, and getting get iPod fixed. Again.