A friend sent this to me, but the list of questions didn't seem complete. So I fixed it.
1. What time did you get up this morning? 6:20. That's A.M .
1A. Animal, vegetable or mineral? How much time would I get if I said 'Animal'?
2. Diamonds or pearls? Spade. Maybe clubs.
2A. How many fingers am I holding up? 1?
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. I'm man enough to admit it. 'It' being that my wife & daughter get to pick the movies.
3A. If a picture paints a thousand words, how can I paint you? Photoshop baby!
4. What are your favorite TV shows? Lost. Spooks. VM.
4A. What's that smell? How should I know? I think it came in with you.
5. What did you have for breakfast? A Slim Jim and Pop Tarts
5A. What kind of Pop Tarts? Strawberry and French Toast.
6. What is your middle name? Stephen
6A. What's my middle name? Louse.
7. Favorite cuisine? Sushi
7A. Really? Yes.
8. What foods do you dislike? Coconut.
8A. Are you bigger than a bread box? No. I mean Yes. I mean... what size is the bread box?
9. What did you do last weekend? It was cold and raining. Nothing.
9A. Did you every finish building that awning. Yes. Kind of. Still needs to be sealed.
10. What is your favorite CD at the moment? I listen to audiobooks these days: Speaker for the Dead (Orson Scott Card).
10A. Who's that girl? Madonna.
11. What kind of car(s) do you drive? Jag X-Type
11A. Isn't that kind of pretentious? God I hope so!
12. What is your favorite sandwich? Quiznos veggie.
12A. Carrots or Cauliflower? No thank you.
13. What characteristics do you despise? Selfishness, inconsideration.
13A. Can I borrow a cup of sugar? Sure, but you have to bring your own cup.
14. Favorite item of clothing? Right now, a coat.
14A. A train leaves St Louis at 9AM traveling at 65 MPH? Er... yes?
15. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you
go? Australia sounds good. I'll go for that.
15A. Wht ds ths qstn sy? uh, can I buy a vowel?
16. What color is your bathroom? Up--white. Down--blue.
16A. What time is it? 2:32pm
17. Favorite brand of clothing? Clean. ish.
17A. Favorite Emo song? "Nobody likes my sorry ass so I'm just gonna sit here and cry". I think that's all of them.
18. Where would you retire to? Bed.
18A. No, I mean retire for work? So do I.
19. Favorite time of the day? Quite TV time after Sarah goes to bed and before I pass out.
19A. Scotch or Whiskey? Same thing.
20. What was your most memorable birthday? 21- driving out to Illinois for work, stopped in Toledo to see an old friend and ate carrot cake.
20A. Carrot cake or Shoe leather? Carrot cake.
21. Where were you born? Cleveland, Ohio
21A Where will you die? Probably the same....
22. Favorite sport to watch? Poker.
22A. What real sport? Pool.
23. Who do you least expect to send this back to you? George W.
23A. Who will you not send this to? George W.
25. What fabric detergent do you use? Cheer? I don't know.
25A. What happened to #26? You'll have to as Robin.
27. Are you a morning person or a night person? Night person.
27A. How come you skipped #26? There isn't a #26.
28. What are your plans tonight? Hmmm. Lost is a repeat. I'll watch VM this weekend. A movie maybe.
28A. Which movie? Stop interrogating me!
29. Do you have any pets? Lucy (cat), Mr Finsalot aka Mr Puffyface (betta), Lemmy (fish) and Zippy (fish). Or did Zippy die?
29A. How can have pet fish and still eat sushi? You're too sensitive.
30. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with your family and
friends? Robin is pregnant. Congratulations!
30A. Now how about something about you? ok... I like sushi.
31. What was the last road trip you went on? Had to drive to Louisville for work last month. Does that count?
31A. No. Pick another: Damn. Cincinnati.
32. What did you want to be when you were little? Bigger.
32A. And now? I'm big enough.
33. Where do you work currently? Director of IT at K&T Switching Service.
34. What do you want for Christmas? A place to put the presents.
34A. What will you be buying somebody else for Christmas? Don't you mean Chanukah?
34B. Ok, Chanukah then? I'm not sure.
35. Where will you be for the holidays? Cleveland.
35A. All of them? Yes.
36. If you could be doing anything right now, what would it be? Going home.
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