ϡ - Chapter TwentyOne; Return [action/voice]

Feb 27, 2011 19:07

[ There’s the sound of shaky uneven breathing coming over the transmission and then a cough or two. It’s almost as if the person on the other side is a bit startled, a bit confused and a bit in pain. The sharp intake of breath and the murmured exclamation of surprise doesn’t really yield anymore good results for those listening in. ] I-I can’t…

[ Helios can’t see more specifically he can’t see out of his right eye and it’s very troublesome if not startling. As if he didn’t run into things frequently enough-now this was just added to it. Next will come a painful humorless laugh very odd and uncharacteristic from his lips. But how could a man who has perfect vision not laugh at now only having half his vision. The Malnosso have a sick sense of humor indeed. ] Oh how very ironic of them. [ A sigh. ]

I’m back. I’m terribly sorry…to have worried anyone. But I'm fine.

[ Such a lie. It’s said in a very tired voice not the usual flair or characteristic upbeat tone the man usually has. ] I-I’ll be back to the apartment shortly, in a moment, I just need to-- [ It was supposed to be a healing spell and yet it went so very wrong. There's a sharp yell of pain on his end before a breathless confused one worded exclamation. ] Wh-what!?

[ The transmission will be abruptly cut off and if you’re anywhere in the town square today you can see a blonde haired man slumped against a building his right hand over his right eye and half of his face covered in freshly drawn blood, no thanks to a healing spell backfiring on him of course, also his entire right side seems to be bloodied like the Malnosso only worked on that half of him. If he wasn’t in pain he’d be making it back to the apartment by now but as it stands the blood lose plus lacking sight isn’t helping any. The feed is turned on again after he’s gotten a fair handle on himself. He really just doesn’t want to alarm anyone right now that’s just how he is. ] I’m going to need some...some more t-time. Perhaps some...assistance as well. My apologies.

[Helios is not going to say what’s wrong but you’ll probably find out through his voice alone something unforeseen has occurred, because it’s riddled with confusion. How could this have happened; he was just trying to heal himself and now…this. They did something his spells that was the only clear definitive answer. Now he just needed to figure out how to fix it. Helios will be staggering to his feet and leaning against the side of the building as he makes his way back to C7. ]

(( ooc; No posting order and time and space are broken. Who needs chronological events anyway? So multiple people can help him. He totally needs it anyway. ))

this wasn't supposed to happen, action, pain, magic cannot save you, voice, unamused headmaster is unamused

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