antonio .

Jul 15, 2009 09:43

An actual update on my life I think, lol.

Right now I'm working full time on my job and it seems like more and more, I'm doing night shifts because no one else wants them- I want them, I like night shifts. It doesn't feel like such srs bzns as the morning does but we have a new manager. New manager without a doubt is the rudest man I've ever met.


But whatever about him, I don't work with him today but for the rest of the week I do and it should be interesting. He makes me nervous and just frustrated. He's like a cog in a machine you just add in to replace the old and that cog refuses to work in tandem with the rest of everything and just disrupts everything. Once school starts up at the end of next month though, I won't even worry about the him. He's not important to me.

The whole cash for clunkers deal that the government put through couldn't have come at a better time, I was considering getting a car and magically this pops up and makes me really happy. xD I could get either 3500 or 4500, either would be great really. I'm aiming for a toyota yaris but my dad wants to take me around first and have me look at other small cars. o: I've saved close to a thousand right now but if he gets me a good enough deal, I won't have to use all of it on a down payment and suddenly I'll be rich for about five seconds before I go shopping crazy.

I got Xbox LIVE and I don't even have an Xbox. My username is the same as my psn - skysugar ♥ My score is horrible because I've been second player on my friend's account for months. :/

car, college, work

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