I've seen
this being circulated on a bunch of video game sites, it's all the Pokemon from Red/Blue and Silver/Gold drawn as if they were taken from traditional Japanese art (think Okami). It's gorgeously drawn and they way some of them are interpreted is just fantastic, so I thought I'd pass it along. I haven't played since Ruby/Sapphire, but I was relieved to find out that I recognized all of the ones drawn!
Awesome news on the Merlin front - the Season One DVD box set is being released in the USA in April, and Season Two will be also be on SyFy then, after a recap the previous season in March (which was previously on NBC last summer). I'll definitely be buying Season One! :D
Managed to survive the first week of classes, and onto the second! Lots of reading this semester, but I guess I asked for it, with three lit classes.
I was so sad watching Conan O'Brien's last episode of the Tonight Show last Friday, I'm a ridiculously huge fan of his, he's always been my favorite late-night talk show host.