Jan 16, 2005 00:04
I have officially received my first LJ hate comment! ::bows at applause:: So, since this is the first opportunity I've had, and since you've been so desperate for a response, this one goes out to you, Anonymous.
First off, I would like to apologize for fueling your hatred by not responding to your first comment, however, I figured that you weren't worth wasting my time on, as I had not the foggiest idea who you were. So, now that we've become more acquainted, let's go back and try this again...
some questions... please answer
it is clear that you are open with your preference but are u bi or are u a strict lesbian?
Golly! You sure are observant. Tell me, what gave it away? The combat boots? The rainbow patch? The girlfriend? Eh, regardless... you tell me, could you really, honestly envision me dating a guy? I think your gaydar's broken... if you need a technician, I could refer you to a great one.
and what's going on with you and stephanie L?
I think it's fairly obvious at this point what's going on... and furthermore, I like to be introduced to someone before they start poking their nose about my girl's business. Though, you must admit, we are adorable together.
and do your parents know and if they do, what do they think?
Alright, now you're just being downright intrusive, but since you loathe hearing me flap my jaw so much, yes, my parents know about, and absolutely love Steph.
Alright, that was relatively painless... let's move on.
2005-01-14 00:19
y didn't u answer the questions commented on your last entry?????
I'm sorry love, I just simply didn't have the time, but I hope the answers above will satisfy your insatiable curiosity.
are u afraid of what other people will think of you bc i didnt think you were one of THOSE people :(
Oh no, I have no problem with being blatantly honest with people. And furthermore, I don't have to do it via anonymous posts like a vacillating deuche-kerchief.
And last, but certainly not least...
2005-01-14 21:14
ha cats and kittens, your really do love pussy, warm yummy pussy. i bet you eat alot of it. you fucking gross ass dyke. you parade around like this fucking enlightend hippi loser bitch. you really do think your better than the rest of us. i hope someone kicks your little stupid green party bitch ass. why dont you and your fucking stupid immature annoying red hair bitch skank of a girlfriend (steph, com on we all know your with her, who u trying to fool) and get in your stupid crappy benz and drive off a cliff. its people like u and that bitch steph that caused bush to win. see its hard to take the side of a totall tool box like you, when voteing time comes around. die, just die. bitch
You know, at first I was somewhat hesitant to re-post this, but then again, if we can't laugh at shit-heads like you, what on earth would you be good for? This last comment cleared up a lot of your motives for me. It's pretty obvious that you're jealous of me, due to the fact that you mentioned my girlfriend (and her glorious red hair), my fly car (which I'll have you know, is a beamer, not a benz, get it straight), and the fact that I'm that much more "enlightened" than you (your words, not mine). I really don't mind your insults, as they're obviously fabricated horse-shit, but I most certainly do mind you insulting my girlfriend. I won't waste my time refuting your asinine insults, because we've already established you're so full of shit it's coming out your ears. I bet you're really happy you crawled out of your hole to say all that, but next time do me a favor, and don't talk unless you can improve the silence.
Alright everyone... let's give Anonymous here a big 'ol round of applause for letting us feel better about ourselves by talking a peek into his pathetic, insignificant little existence. Thanks!