Trying out the LJ app for my iPod touch. Not bad!
Not too much going on right now. Studio is a day or two shy of being useable, which I'm very excited about! I spent the day yesterday sorting through materials, supplies, and tools and organizing them in brand new plastic containers on a brand new shelving unit. Now I just have to clean off the two work tables and bring my large tools in and I'll be ready to work on my inventory for the ren fest! (I also found all of my inventory items that I started 6 months ago and didn't finish!). We're planning on heading to our property this weekend to start preparing for the faire. Lots of cleaning, raking, chopping, and building is necessary!
The kiddo is spending a few days with his grandmothers getting school clothes. He start high school next Monday! He turns fifteen on October 1st! Oy!
Therr have been alot of changes in our household recenty and I am finding it refreshing as well as disconcerting. I think it started when Bruno died on July 5th. It was heartbreaking, but there is a sense of relief as well. He's not hurting, he's no longer in pain, and we don't have to constantly worry about him. I think its left us a bit lost, too. But Ant has built himself a man cave and I've built my studio. Our priorities have changed and we're working towards our dreams a little more. Its good and scary at the same time.
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LiveJournal app for iPhone.