Apr 05, 2005 23:12
i just got this letter sent to me by one of my profs. i think if you feel that a woman's right to choose is important and should be protected, it is important to respond to this. i've posted the letter below and i'm hoping some of you feel strongly enough about this to help out.
Dear Friends,
The University of Western Ontario has decided to give
Dr. Henry Morgentaler an honorary Doctor of Laws
degree on June 16. Unfortunately, the university has
been getting a large amount of anti-choice mail
protesting this decision and slandering Dr.
Morgentaler. In contrast, there has been next to no
pro-choice mail in support, so far. Dr. Morgentaler is
a hero to Canadian women for securing the right to
choose abortion in 1988, in the Supreme Court
Morgentaler decision that threw out Canada's abortion
law. .
Could you possibly help with a short, affirming e-mail
to the administrators at the university? Below are the
names and e-mail addresses of the President of the
University and the Chair of the Board of Govenors. It
is really important that as many people as possible
write to these administrators praising the decision to
confer the law degree on Dr. Morgentaler as soon as
possible. The anti's are holding a vigil on Wednesday
at 2pm. And could you pass this message on to other
Canadians who would be willing to take a few moments
to send a note of praise? Thank you so much for your
Dr. Paul Davenport, President, UWO
Don McDougall, Chair of Board of Govenors
c/o Jan VanFleet, University Secretary