Hi! I'm trying to do a Johari Window of myself as an exercise to examine perceptions. I would love it if any of you who know me (or have met me, or have at least formed an impression of me online or something) would help me out. Basically, all you do is look at a list of adjectives and pick the five or six that you most strongly associate with me. I've set up an interactive online one that you can access by going
here, where you just click on the adjectives you pick from the list for me and submit. There's seriously no wrong answer, the adjectives are not negative or scary or in any way capable of insulting me, and you can sign your name as Anonymous or X or whatever if you'd rather nobody know or guess who you are.
And of course I'm more than happy to return the favor if you become interested in doing one of your own. ^_^
Please! Thanks!