Elliot Smith - New Moon
Kill Rock Stars
Get it
here So I just picked up a copy of the new Posthumous Elliot Smith collection, the first for the artist since his death and hopefully not the last. Many of these songs have been widely available on web sites that have hosted a mountain of Elliot Smith music that has been unreleased or extremely rare (including, up until recently demos from the Basement on a Hill CD that are amazing) and I mostly want to point out that while I think this collections is wonderfuly put together the fidelity of it seems rather sad. Lary Crane, A long time elliot Archivist even states in the liner notes that the songs have been avaialble as "low fi audio files" (which I think is partly Lary as engineer, TapeOp editor speaking). Frankly some of the burps and stuff appear not to be cleaned up on the disk.
While I am enjoing the packaging of songs, honestly when I buy a CD it took a record company (one that I respect) four years to put out when the music (the important part) was avaialble because the fans loved it I want that CD to sound AMAZING.
Other then that buy this shit on up killer.