Okay, this challenge is officially underway! We're glad to have you aboard. :D
1. Our watching period ends on March 1st. After that, we'll tally up what we all managed to watch and put together a celebratory post about it! WOO
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[Spoiler (click to open)]Ha, I probably a bad person to ask because it is really not hard to live up to my expectations! :D Basically 'd gotten wrapped up enough in the characters that I just didn't want the people I loved to die in the end and they didn't, so I was happy. XD Such a simple person~ It was funny though, after all my fretting about the ending and preparing myself for different possibilities up to even the second to last episode... it ended exactly like I thought it would about twelve episodes ago, except even a bit kinder to its characters. Even when they give me plenty of hints, I guess I am just the worrying type. ;)
Beyond the rocks-didn't-fall-everyone-didn't-die, I think... they could have done more with this drama though I'm okay they didn't? I mean, they had time-travel so I think it would have been neat if they'd played with that more; shown us more of the ripple effects of changing the distant ( ... )
But I was curious to see the reaction of someone who had actually watched the series, because it's totally different that just reading the recaps!
Boys on the Run
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Aughhhhhhh, I really liked it! I'm so glad that Maru (and Maru and Taira Airi's cuteness in the promotion ♥) got me to pick up this show! From the description, I probably would have passed it up as too crude for me or something. XD This drama really had heart and I loved that they weren't afraid to do a lot with their characters, whether internally or externally. I laughed, I cried, I facepalmed, I loved. ♥
Spoilers for the ending:[Spoiler (click to open)] FEEEEEEEEEEELINGS!! THE LAST SCENE!! I cried in such a good way. I'm really happy about the number of different relationships they made IMPORTANT, especially Tanishi + Shumai and Tanishi + Shiho-san. This drama went made a number of turns I didn't expect but looking back, it all fit and felt right. Not many shows can do a time-skip and have me not OBJECT, no matter how much I like them otherwise (I am anti-time-skip, after watching so many of them now) ( ... )
Osozaki no Himawari
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I know I say this about every drama I finish, but I reaaaaaaally enjoyed watching this! :D It reminded me a bit of Freeter, except I didn't cry at the end of every episode. ♥ Also it was very much TOMA'S STUPID, LOVELY FACE: THE DRAMA because he was totally playing a character that is every bit as likable as he is in real life. Which is nice, I found this show so comforting because it was just like wrapping yourself up in Toma + gorgeous mountainous scenery as backed by Explosions in the Sky-like music. ♥♥
Vague spoilers for the end: [Spoiler (click to open)]I also liked that they didn't wrap up everything neatly at the end for all the characters but gave you enough to see where they were going and with such a sense of hope. I wish there could be a special, not because there needs to be as the ended it so well, but just because I really like this group of people and would love to see them once more ten years down the road. ♥
Bad Family
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