Drama finishing challenge... GO!

Jan 18, 2013 23:32

Okay, this challenge is officially underway! We're glad to have you aboard. :D


1. Our watching period ends on March 1st. After that, we'll tally up what we all managed to watch and put together a celebratory post about it! WOO ( Read more... )

* drama finishing challenge

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phrenk January 19 2013, 04:38:11 UTC

... )


topazera January 19 2013, 05:19:26 UTC
Okay, I am DEFINITELY knocking this one off!

... )


quaggy_mire January 25 2013, 01:16:59 UTC
Congratulations!! So what did you think? Did the end live up to your expectations?


topazera January 27 2013, 15:07:19 UTC
Thank you!! I'm not sure if you've finished this one/are thoroughly spoiled/don't care about spoilers, so I kind of wrote this halfway between:

[Spoiler (click to open)]Ha, I probably a bad person to ask because it is really not hard to live up to my expectations! :D Basically 'd gotten wrapped up enough in the characters that I just didn't want the people I loved to die in the end and they didn't, so I was happy. XD Such a simple person~ It was funny though, after all my fretting about the ending and preparing myself for different possibilities up to even the second to last episode... it ended exactly like I thought it would about twelve episodes ago, except even a bit kinder to its characters. Even when they give me plenty of hints, I guess I am just the worrying type. ;)

Beyond the rocks-didn't-fall-everyone-didn't-die, I think... they could have done more with this drama though I'm okay they didn't? I mean, they had time-travel so I think it would have been neat if they'd played with that more; shown us more of the ripple effects of changing the distant
... )


quaggy_mire February 4 2013, 21:58:41 UTC
I had been reading the Dramabeans recaps and the ending seemed to be appropriate. I just hated that [Spoiler (click to open)]her parents would never know what happened to her and that she never saw them again. I think it would have been cooler if when she walked through the portal into her own time, her parents were there waiting for her, either to say goodbye or to go with her. Hey, she could have left a letter or something with a long existing temple or monastery or something wibbly-wobbly timey-whimey like that.

But I was curious to see the reaction of someone who had actually watched the series, because it's totally different that just reading the recaps!


topazera January 19 2013, 07:10:24 UTC
An easy one to finish:
Boys on the Run

... )


topazera January 19 2013, 23:32:37 UTC
Woooo, first drama finished! :D Aha, I definitely stacked the deck more than other people because this was another I only had three episodes left on. :)

Aughhhhhhh, I really liked it! I'm so glad that Maru (and Maru and Taira Airi's cuteness in the promotion ♥) got me to pick up this show! From the description, I probably would have passed it up as too crude for me or something. XD This drama really had heart and I loved that they weren't afraid to do a lot with their characters, whether internally or externally. I laughed, I cried, I facepalmed, I loved. ♥

Spoilers for the ending:[Spoiler (click to open)] FEEEEEEEEEEELINGS!! THE LAST SCENE!! I cried in such a good way. I'm really happy about the number of different relationships they made IMPORTANT, especially Tanishi + Shumai and Tanishi + Shiho-san. This drama went made a number of turns I didn't expect but looking back, it all fit and felt right. Not many shows can do a time-skip and have me not OBJECT, no matter how much I like them otherwise (I am anti-time-skip, after watching so many of them now) ... )


ltgmars January 27 2013, 21:25:30 UTC
What an excellent drama! Congrats on finishing. :D :D :D I really love how they all developed as people over the course of the series -- and yes, the relationships that were highlighted made everything come together in such a nice way. :D I'm also just so impressed at how well Maru did with emotional scenes as well as physical humor (and not-humor). I think he's come a long way. :3


topazera January 23 2013, 06:35:19 UTC
toma drama toma drama
Osozaki no Himawari

... )


phrenk January 23 2013, 18:47:36 UTC


topazera January 27 2013, 14:32:41 UTC
I know I say this about every drama I finish, but I reaaaaaaally enjoyed watching this! :D It reminded me a bit of Freeter, except I didn't cry at the end of every episode. ♥ Also it was very much TOMA'S STUPID, LOVELY FACE: THE DRAMA because he was totally playing a character that is every bit as likable as he is in real life. Which is nice, I found this show so comforting because it was just like wrapping yourself up in Toma + gorgeous mountainous scenery as backed by Explosions in the Sky-like music. ♥♥

Vague spoilers for the end: [Spoiler (click to open)]I also liked that they didn't wrap up everything neatly at the end for all the characters but gave you enough to see where they were going and with such a sense of hope. I wish there could be a special, not because there needs to be as the ended it so well, but just because I really like this group of people and would love to see them once more ten years down the road. ♥


topazera January 27 2013, 15:32:35 UTC
Okay, the timing never quite worked out to finish this drama so this seems like a good chance to have a fresh start! I think I'm going to rewatch one episode (six) and hope to be back in the swing of things from there! :D
Bad Family

... )


phrenk January 28 2013, 06:20:43 UTC
OOOOH, DO IT. Bad Family, we have done you wrong! You deserved the most dedicated of watching, show! ♥


topazera February 14 2013, 00:36:43 UTC
City Hunter

... )


topazera February 28 2013, 19:51:43 UTC

... )


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