I started a 101 in 1001 list a while ago, but looking back at it, it was pretty unrealistic. This one, I hope is at least slightly better in the realism category.
mission101 :
The Mission: Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.
The Criteria: Tasks must be specific (ie, no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable, or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie, represent some amount of effort on your part).
My list was started on January 3, 2010 and will end on September 30, 2012 (1001/1001 days left)
1. Update this list once a month with progress updates
2. On day 1001, post a general wrap-up/new list of 101 in 1001
3. Save $5 for every goal that is reached, at the end spend it on something fun
4. Put $10 into savings for any goals not reached
5. Fill in the last 19 goals by January 1, 2011
6. Complete NaNoWriMo
7. Complete a story
8. Watch the sun rise ten times and take pictures of each one (0/10)
9. Take a picture every day for a year (0/365)
10. Update Livejournal at least once a week for a year (0/52)
11. Complete the
Escape Into Life Moleskine Challenge12. Fold 1001 cranes (0/1001)
13. Learn how to use Adobe Illustrator
14. Make at least five video posts on Livejournal (0/5)
15. Create and fill a quote book (my Escape Into Life moleskine?)
16. Fill a jar with paper stars. Put quotes or lyrics into the center of each star
17. Blog every day for 30 days
18. Participate in
A Day in My Life Entertainment
19. Go to at least three concerts (0/3)
20. Read 100 books I've never read before (0/100)
21. Watch 100 movies I've never seen before (0/100)
22. Have a snowball fight
23. Watch all of Veronica Mars, in order
24. Watch all of Alias, in order
25. Watch all of The West Wing, in order
26. Go to a convention/midnight showing/release/fangirl type event
27. Visit two different museums (0/2)
28. Go to a zoo
29. Discover twenty new music artists I like (0/20)
30. Attend at least five sports games (0/5)
31. Do the
50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind (0/50)
32. Wear a skirt without an occasion for it at least five times (0/5)
33. Get a tattoo
34. Meet someone I originally met online
35. Get a job
36. Buy something from the internet
37. Paint my nails at least five times (0/5)
38. Compile all of my favorite recipes into one place
39. Donate blood
40. Leave at least ten random notes around the city saying nice things (0/10)
41. Learn how to apply makeup
42. Make a resume
43. Cook at least twenty new dishes (0/20)
44. Stay up all night
45. Buy a domain name
46. Learn HTML/CSS
47. Volunteer at least 50 times (0/50)
48. Send a letter to someone at least once a month for at least six months (0/6)
49. Buy a cute, versatile dress
50. Mail a postcard to PostSecret
51. Complete a sudoku book
52. Send a letter to someone famous that I admire
53. Dress up for Halloween
54. Participate in Relay for Life
55. Learn how to do a cartwheel
56. Eat in at least ten new restaurants (0/10)
57. Be able to do 100 situps/crunches in a row
58. Drink only water for a week
59. Watch no TV for a week
60. Be able to run at least two miles without stopping
61. Work out at least once a week for twelve consecutive weeks (0/12)
62. Stop biting my nails
63. Eat at least three servings of fruit/vegetables a day for a week
64. Take a photography class
65. Take a class because I am interested in it, not because I have to
66. Declare my major
67. Maintain at least a 3.5 QPA
68. Visit a professor in their office
69. Go to a TA's office hours
70. Start at least five papers over one week before they are due (0/5)
71. Keep up on all of my reading for a course
72. Join a club
73. Paint the Fence
74. Join a study group
75. Visit a country I have never been to before
76. Explore a city by myself without feeling self-conscious
77. Stay in a hotel by myself
78. Take a train ride
79. Take a boat ride (ferries do not count)
80. Strike up a conversation with someone while traveling
81. Go on a road trip
82. Go white-water rafting