(no subject)

Oct 07, 2007 15:09

Hi, I'm new here, I always loved FoL and I'm glad I found this community just in time for this great month :)
I'm still figuring out how LJ works, so I hope I won't do something against netiquette or similar - in case: please, let me know.

Anyway, didn't want to 'butt in' empty handed, so here's my little contribution, if I may:

- a short sketch: atTENTion
Pairing: Jo/Blair
Fandom: the Facts of Life
Rating: G ;)
Inspired by the Passion Perfect - Clichè Challenge 2007
Clichè: Forced to share a bed/sleeping bag/tent

- and one photo composition: Jo/Blair -  Parallel Universe

Have a nice FoL month :)


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