Am bored at work (how is this possible!), found a cosplay meme and will now fill out said meme. Mostly because I've finally (after, what, three years?) gotten back my cosplay mania and feel like talking about costumes. And wigs. And the fact that I've nearly finished my Kate Ashley -jacket and it's made of bridal satin-ish material and it looks fabulous. (Even though I apparently bought a closed bottom zipper and now have to squirm my way into the jacket.) I'm awesome.
Most Accurate Cosplay:
Mad Hatter. S/he was the first character I cosplayed and s/he's still the one I feel most in character as.
Artemisia, probably. It still bothers me that the costume is missing one tiny detail on the hip armor but since I haven't worn the costume since 2007, I haven't bothered to fix it.
Most Difficult Cosplay:
The aforementioned Artemisia. It was a pain to make but somehow I managed to get it together.
Callisto was also somewhat a pain to make but I had been planning it in my head for so long (four years?) that there weren't too many "now how should I do this" -moments while making it.
Easiest Cosplay:
Spirit. I basically just customised the shirt, made a tie and cut the wig. Took me a whole hour altogether.
Most Out Of Character Cosplay:
Oh lord (no pun intended),
Adam Kadamon. Kadamon is this etheral, calm, angelic creature and I'm not. Kadamon doesn't smirk, he (she/it, thank you Kaori Yuki and your crazy characters) smiles. Softly. And I don't even know how to. So I just ended up looking... constipated.
Most Fun-to-Cosplay:
Igor! Oh man, Igor was fun. Freaking out people by just smiling at them was the best thing ever.
Sexiest Cosplay:
Rider or
PVC!Hatter. Rider has boobs and a tiny dress and Hatter has no boobs and a tiny dress. And I'm weird and think both of them are hawt. I might even like Hatter a bit more. Mmm.
Most Comfortable Cosplay:
Urahara, no questions asked. I could wear the costume again anytime.
Least Comfortable Cosplay:
Callisto. I'm tied-up and wearing ridiculous heels. There's no way that's ever going to be comfortable.
Costume with longest hotelroom prep time:
Artemisia, had I stayed at a hotel for the con. But since I didn't, I just stayed up till three in the morning painting the armor.
Costume Garment you wear out of costume:
Urahara's briefs? I sleep in them. And I've worn
Heine's pants a few times but they make me look like a j-tard so I don't do that anymore.
Favorite Wig/Hairstyle:
Willy's curls. They're so manly~.
Favorite prop:
Cupid's harp. It's a thing of beauty.
Favorite accessory:
All of
Eros' crap. It's all so tacky.
Ever been in a group cosplay?:
Yes. My favourite being
Brilliant Rangers. As if anyone would be surprised.
Ever cosplayed a pairing with someone?:
this obviosly doesn't count.
Pairing support = y/n?:
Ngh. Maybe.
If yes, how steamy?:
No steam, plz.
Ever been to a photoshoot?:
But of course not. Photoshoots are the creation of Satan and I could never imagine taking part in one. (Yes, I have.)
Ever entered a contest?:
See previous. Aka. Yes.
Ever won an award in a contest?:
A bunch of third places, a few seconds and a first place for Brilliant Rangers. Which is awesome.
The Costume you'll never finish:
Probably that one Rosiel that's been hanging in my closer for three years. And Kati. From Maken X.
The Costume you've always wanted to make:
I've already made all my super-dream-costumes! I don't know. Probably some ridiculous Persona.
The Costume you'd wear if it weren't for your body type:
The Costume that you can't make for lack of money:
Money isn't an issue. The problem is that little voice in my head that keeps telling me I shouldn't necessarily spend all my money on cosplay.
Show us your best cosplay photo:
Absolute favourite of all time. (Taken by