Sep 29, 2010 16:57
Been a long time since I've posted anything. Mostly due to Live Journal being pretty empty these days. Have to redo all my colors since Live Journal defaulted allot of my customizations, and keeps insisting I switch to S2, but I like not having some premade design. I'm also not liking all the ads I got to get through just to log in.
Would update, but I think anyone who reads this (or used to) already knows about getting married, and going to Amsterdam/London over the summer. Can't think of any particular funny/interesting stories to tell about Europe, outside of our mega blue collar bus driver when we took a tour bus to Stonehenge and Bath. He was telling the tour guide some story on the way back to London, and I can't remember what exactly the story was about, but the words pub,fish and chips appeared in it way too many times not to be cliche, especially with his raspy laugh turning into an even raspier cough. Our tour guide must be from the same area the actor who plays Snape in Harry Potter is from, because he sounded just like him. Which was pretty funny getting a mini history lesson from that voice, as well as him explaining how he's on a diet.
In other news the job hunt is going better than it did the first round, but still trying to find that spot between between being optimistic and not getting my hopes up so much I get all depressed when I don't get something.
Speaking of weird job stuff though, this happened to me back in early spring I think, but it was really strange. I got this thing in the mail from the Association of Professional Women, which I mistook for The Association of Women in Communication, which I found through UMBC around when I graduated after the career adviser said I should look into associations for job hunting. The Women in Communication site had a little job postings section that I used from time to time, but I never actually became a full member with dues and stuff, which were only like 50 some dollars for new grads, and maybe 100 for everyone else, just because I wasn't sold on the benefits of membership and the all illusive networking.
Anyways, I fill out the mailer thinking it's Communications Association and figure I might as well get some info out of them since they had some good job postings in the past. A week or two later I get a weird number calling my cell phone, but since I'm at work and it's not someone I know I ignore it. Shortly after the same number calls my work line asking for me and my co worker transfers it to my desk. They say their from the Association for Professional Women and they want to do an "interview" to see if I'm a good candidate for "sponsorship". They ask me some bullshit questions about my current job and I give the lamest shortest answers and they act like I just told them how to solve world hunger, and go on about how I'm the perfect candidate.
Now it gets to the part where they started wanting money. They start off saying that for a modest fee of $750 I can become a full member, have access to all these networking events, and have some spotlight section on their website to feature me. I told them that there was no way I could spend that much, so they expressed how sorry they were that I couldn't get all the awesome benefits of this package, and gave me the option of having some like partial membership for $500, which I again refused. Lucky for me they just happened to have another package for like $300. This continued for awhile with some serious coercion until they got down to $75. At this point I put them on hold because clearly this is not legit, and I want to look them up online. Pretty much immediately I realized it's not the Communications Association I used in the past, it's some mega scam that just had the same color scheme as the other association, that even treats it's employees so bad they have designated restroom break times. I get back on the phone with the woman and say there's no way I can afford this. I can tell at this point she's annoyed, and tells me they'll send me some free pamphlet and quickly hangs up. Never got a pamphlet.
A little scary I got played into this, but mostly just feel bad for all the people who did fall for it and ended up wasting all their money when they were already pretty desperate for a job.