Dec 31, 2008 17:36
I was looking at my old posts today and its funny reading some of them. It's posts from 4 years ago in October and I am talking about how I was going to get a new job somehow and leave Big W. So many posts of how I hate the job. So many posts about fear and rejection. 4 years on and its still kinda the same with me. Look at my last post, talking about me going to go all Anthony Robbins and shit. haha that lasted a while it did!
So lets have a look at the past year:
Early in the year I got a version of Sandwich finished off. It was a temp version with music that I did not have clearance with. Suffice to say a million excuses and its still not properly finished. However we moved on to film The Crews.
The Crews is a TV Pilot for a Scottish Gangster series based on the characters in Sandwich. We started filming that in august. Still not done, but the project was way bigger than we imagined. Thats what happens when you write in scenes in nightclubs, Amsterdam footchases, sex scenes and guys getting thrown off bridges! Gheeze. We are 3/4's of the way through though and so far so good. probably learned a lot. We've done incredibly well though as this is the kind of job that even a seasoned director would find a tough task with all the different locations and chracters and our very limited budget.
-Basketball: So much of my blog was taken up with bball, but over the last year bball has changed. A lot of players have left, the team has dwindled and no longer the same, but the new team, the new squad is winning games, but hey its still good to look back at those entries about the struggling to win.
24 games! 24 staright losses. We eventually won game 25. Now thats heart! Thats a baby learning to walk. We kept on playing and never gave up.
With the recent events in the crews I took a back seat to bball to focus on the crews, often missing trainings and games and having to cancel my standin orders. However I want to show up more next year though and had recently been trying to get back into the swing of things. Just gotta show up more. 80% of success is showing up.
I wonder if my life has had less activity and thus less to write about?
Or I wonder if I am just lazy?
Or if i have been too busy to write the journal the way I did in the past.
Who knows?!