current thoughts

Oct 24, 2004 10:27

How do you know if you're doing the best you can, or just grown tired of trying harder? Too often I wonder if life could get any better or if there is some undiscovered piece that holds the key to fufillment. I find myself saying that if I were to spend more time with friends, or travel, or not work so much then I would enjoy life more. But on the other hand, my mind tends to counter such thoughts with the argument that I'm making sacrifices now to enjoy better times in the future. I see people all around me just living and enjoying their time in college; while I go to classes four days a week, work forty or more hours a week, and worry about money in the mean time.
Now that I think about it, I think one of my biggest drawbacks is worrying about money. Its a major theme in my life, constantly contemplating the consequences of spending the money i work so hard to get. I'm a sporatic buyer. I deny myself anything until I lose my self control and buy the first thing that comes to mind. And usually that thing is rather expensive........

Ok...everthing above characterizes my real problem. I am plagued by unceasing fits of selfanalysis. I lack the ability to just let things flow without considering how every factor will affect me.
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