This is my first fan-video after 3-year hiatus. Season 2 doesn't even finished but I'm already made a fanmade trailer to season 3,to be more precise, to Morgana's returning. Hell Yeah, I love her. So, guys, I hope you will like it. It's not that big, actually, it's quite short but I made it according to the song (Spirius Sancte by Immediate Music). Today I've downloaded Sony Vegas, I know, I shouldn't have made any videous until I know it well but I couldn't resist.
And, I own nothing, it's just a fanvideo and blablabla! Enjoy ^^
I would love to know what do you think!!
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Description: Morgana returns. But wih her returning Camelot is in danger, because the one thing Morgana truly wants is revenge 'cause Morgause told her a lot of things she didn't want to know and she didnt' have to know. The day when Morgana and Mordred will unite is coming! And there is nothing you cad do c)
After all mess that she've done, she leaves Camelot and goes to her new home but Uther recognizes the work of magic and understands that Morgana caused it. He sends the knights to find the witch and kill her but when Arthur arrives he is suprised by what Morgana has left them as a present (lol)
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