It's not surprising that the first message to the USDAA Advisory Committee is a "code of conduct" basically stating that all issues under discussion need to be kept SECRET. Top secret society. Why am I not surprised? There are 50 or so members on the committee. All I care about is getting the A Frame down and shortening the chute. Everything else can get left to those who care. I will stay on the committee until these two issues get resolved. If they do I will become a USDAA judge as I will be slightly happier with the organization if the changes are made. It also means that I actually need to start competing in USDAA again. We've been away for an entire year. I'm completely fine with Konane running in the 22 inch championship height. I'm pretty sure Merlin will also measure into the 22 inch jump height but am not sure if he can manage the high A frame. We will participate in a limited fashion this year, no DAM teams and few titling classes. We will go to Cynosport if Konane gets semis byes in both GP and Steeplechase. Doubtful that Merlin will get byes but if he qualifies for the fancy classes he will go as well. If we don't get the q's I will just stay home and save a bunch of money by doing so. I am amused by the volume of messages of "helpful suggestions" from various competitors who don't really do anything other than complain. Really? It's highly unlikely that I'm going to take any of you seriously. Wish me luck. At least I know that I tried.
Random picture of me and the imp: