Dec 28, 2014 20:08
dis verb \ˈdis\
: to treat (someone) with disrespect : to be rude to (someone)
: to criticize (something) in a way that shows disrespect
I thought that “dis” was a slang word, but it’s in Webster’s, so I guess it’s an official word. I declare 2015 the year of the non-dis. I’m usually pretty thoughtful about what I say and to whom, I try to be respectful to all of those around me, big or small, important or not, young or old. Social media has made the dis too easy, it’s easy to be disrespectful and thoughtless when there are no in person consequences to pay. Writing and hitting “post” is just too easy. No witnessing of the adverse impacts of our words. There are a few behaviors which I really dislike which I’ll try to avoid myself, in particular taking pictures of a judge’s course and declaring the course “unsafe.” Huh. It’s our own choice whether or not to run our dogs on a particular course. If I’m worried about a course, and I need to be particularly aware of dog walk entrances and exits, I simply do not run my dog. I might approach the judge and request that the portion of the course be reevaluated, but I don’t just go and take a picture and complain about it on Facebook. Drives me nuts. Drives me even nuttier when the complainer runs their dog anyway on said “unsafe” course. Argh. We seem to have forgotten the dictum about if you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all or actions speak louder than words. Bash head against wall. My one New Year’s resolution for 2015. While tempted to just ditch the Facebook account, social media certainly has its strengths, like organizing a last minute group Christmas gift or finding my dog, so I’ll keep my account active.
2015 is shaping up to be a year of seminars. Konane has had enough competition exposure that we can limit her competition time and Merlin just needs to learn more. The year is looking terrific, we’ll train with Justine Davenport, Tuulia Lihto, Marco Giovani and Tori Self. Really looking forward to these training opportunities. We won’t do any USDAA this year, just UKI for all dogs and AKC for Merlin. Speaking of AKC, Merlin had his debut in Novice jumpers today. No video, we didn’t run until 6 pm so only the judge and scribe saw our run. He was awesome! One bar and no bobbles, he looked very pleased with himself, it brought a huge grin to my face. He will be entered in random AKC shows this year, mainly so that I can practice the art of the non-dis about AKC courses. Sigh. Happy New Year everyone.