Even though at first I'll only be playing Izanami as a regular human, that doesn't mean she's not snooping around the community and following people. Plus with her being a goddess, we've got the whole "lol I know everything about you guys lollllllllllll" kind of stuff. There's also the fact that she'll be able to cause mischief if she so desires.
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Username: halfherfather
What Izanami can know: You know, the usual. She's half-Esper, thus is torn between cultures. That Leo died. That Kefka rules the world. The whole slave-crown thing.
What Izanami can't know: I guess...nothing?
What she can do: Personal viruses are okay. Traumatizing is a go.
What she can't do: ...nothing that'll, like, I don't know, make her angst more than her canon will? Which is nothing but, there.
Name: Morrigan
Username: changerofwilds
What Izanami can know: Ohgod. Morrigan has a lot of shit she'd like to be kept private. Mainly, her relationship with Flemeth and her true goals for helping save the world. This and this will explain these two things. Spoilers.
What Izanami can't know: For all her bluster, Morrigan really only has those two major secrets. Plus all the numerous things she's done in her past (murder templars, seduce men so Flemeth can kill them, etc) but she won't really care if she brings up her past.
What she can do: Personal viruses, traumatizing, etc. ...Since I apped Morrigan just before the Shadow event and didn't have a chance to explore that part of Morrigan's personality...Go right ahead.
What she can't do: I'd prefer her not to mention the spoilerly things that Morrigan keeps secret in not-locked posts.
For Terra, pretty much anything goes, save for things that will make her canon worse/angst even moar, and as for Morrigan, Izanami can talk to her about her past, and things are okay, but if they are, the posts are locked and not talked about openly.
Did I get everything or am I just... missing something? XD Just want to make sure I get everything right!
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