A Social Experiment

Feb 27, 2006 14:34

Some of you know (and many of you don't) that I've dyed my hair (blue/black) in the service of a social experiment. My goal in this is to alter my outward look (somewhat) and observe any changes in others reactions toward me; those that I know well, those that I know in passing, and particularly those upon whom I'm making a first impression. The results so far have made the experiment more than worthwhile. Besides simply being amusing to do something out of character, I'm also collecting reactions from people who have experiences that both mirror and contradict my own. Various strangers (certainly more than usual) have struck up a conversation on the basis of my hair; there's something to be said for being eccentric just in that.

I'll summarize other thoughts, observations and experiences here as a way of keeping the thoughts fresh in my head and flesh them out as I have time.

Saturday night:
Met some of Amela's good friends (Dan et al.) for the first time. I detected no difference in their outward reactions to me than without the hair. It did however prompt me to wonder whether there were things unsaid beneath the surface; as always, there's no way to tell, but I rarely second guess my first impressions so it was something of a new experience.

Adam's folks were in town and dropped by the house for a while. They made no comment at *all*... I was suprised but managed to not bring it up; I was amused that I felt the need to justify it.

In Econ the prof noticed it straight away; in fact, she seemed a little shocked by it. Good... if I didn't shock anyone, it would I'm not sure what that would say about my usual mode of appearance. Rather than explain the experiment, I dismissed it as the result of a lost bet. Somehow it seemed pretentious to explain the whole thing, but I'll resist the urge to dismiss it in the future (I'll explain in a moment). No other noticeable reactions from other class members.

In lab I was explaining it to Drew and Steve (Birdell?) perked up from across the lab and related a similar experience. While living on a military base he depended on rideshare to commute to school and back. For a while in high school he had his hair dyed in cow spots and he noticed that it became almost impossible to find a ride; withough the spots he said that someone would stop within minutes.

More edits to this post as things develop...

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