Title: Good Job Breaking It, Hero!
Rating: G
Characters: Chekov, Scotty
Summary: Chekov is asked by Scotty to go to the room of forgotten objects.
Word Count: 475
Note: I have no idea but I thought it would be fun to do a Star Trek/Portal/Half-Life crossover.
Within the dark depths of the USS Enterprise there is a room, within this deserted room contains objects that haven’t seen the light of day since the Klingon civil war. Chekov, doing a favor for Scotty, was going to be the first one to enter this room in years. Luckily, Chekov was not allergic to dust.
For an hour of searching the ship, Chekov had finally found the room. As he opened the door, a large cloud of dust released through the opening. Looking through the door, the dust had formed thick enough that it resembled a fog. Scotty had asked for the crate that had a note taped onto it. As the dust cleared, a large crate with a note came into view.
Blowing away the dust off the note, Chekov curiously read it:
“Dear [Test Subject Identification Number],
“This is a notice from Aperture Science,
“Within this crate contains an important object that will be of great use to you. You will grow fondness for this object, as it will be there for your every need. It is the Weighted Companion Cube. Be known that test have shown that an unhealthy attachment to the Weighted Companion Cube will develop.”
At the bottom of the page, a message was scrawled: ‘The cake is a lie.’ A doodle of a cake with candles was next to it.
Next, Chekov lifted the lid on the crate causing the whole box to disassemble. Chekov assumed that the mentioned ‘Weighted Companion Cube’ was the large square object with a pink heart on every side. On top was something unfamiliar, it looked like a gun but it was large and bulky and made of rusted metal. He grabbed the gun to observe it more closely, but when doing so he accidentally pulled the trigger, which was aimed at the cube. The Weighted Companion Cube began to hover above the ground and it followed along with the gun. It seemed that the gun was defying the laws of physics.
Chekov decided to use the gun to his advantage and brought it with him to carry the Companion Cube. As he left the room, he thought he heard a high-pitched voice go ‘Ooh!’ and ask about what that fluffy thing is.
When he got back to Scotty, the Scotsman was not as shocked as Chekov to see such peculiar items. “Oh good, you even brought that gun thingamajig with you, it’ll be easier to put the box in the incinerator.”
“You want to burn the Weighted Companion Cube?” Chekov said, worried.
“Why not?”
“I was starting to like it, for some reason.”
“You do realize you just said that you liked a box? I think that is reason enough to burn this thing.” With one quick sweep, Scotty threw the Companion Cube into the incinerator.
Still not knowing why, Chekov frowned.