(no subject)

Nov 14, 2004 16:09

1. Name: Sean
2. Nicknames: Sebek
3. Feet size: 13
4. Do you have a crush: yes
5. Boyfriend? nope
6. Age you act: different ages for different times
7. Where Do You Live: fallbrook
8. Where you want to live: Sweden
9. Birthplace: fallbrook
10. Favorite Salad Dressing: none
11. Ever gone skinny-dipping? nope
12. What are you watching? eurotrip
13. Last person you talked to: jon
14. Favorite movie: donnie darko, maybe?
15. Favorite Book: complicity
16. Favorite Type of music: metal
17. Favorite types of cars: vettes from the 70's
18. Favorite Saying: dunno
19. Favorite Fast Food: curly fries
20. Favorite Ice Cream: none
21. Favorite Alcoholic Drink: anythign with a lot in it
22. When Do You Go To Sleep: when im tired
23. Most Embarrassing Moment: dunno
24. Stupidest Person you know: erin
25. Funniest Person you know: aaron
26. Favorite holiday: dunno
27. Favorite Food: ummm rice?
28. Favorite Song: dont have one
29. Favorite Television Show: Stargate SG-1
30. Favorite Radio Station: the radio is gay
31. Favorite junk food: ummm jack in the box?
32. Favorite sappy love song: i dont listen to sappy music
33. Favorite Drink: liquor
34. Favorite article of clothing: my cattle decapitation shirt
35. Favorite Animal: crocodile, bear

+||SECTION TWO:The Future

1. School: dunno
2. Where You Want To Live: Sweden
3. How Many Kids You Want: dont matta
4. What Kind Of Job You Want: you know that drunk guy who's always at the bar? that guy
6. Pets? dunno a bear or two and some crocodiles
7. Car? dunno
8. 5 years from now? in sweden doing something
9. 10 years from now? in sweden doing something
10.20 years from now? in sweden doing something

+||SECTION THREE:Have You Ever..

1. Done Drugs: yup
2. Run Away From Home: nope
3. Hit A Girl: nope
4. Lied: yup
5. Stolen Anything: yup
6. Broken A Bone: yup
7. Cheated On A Test: yup
8. Cheated On A Girlfriend/Boyfriend: nope
9. Gotten Drunk: Yup
10. Been With Two guys/girls At Once: nope
11. Been In The Hospital: regretfully
12. Let a friend cry on your shoulder: yup
13. Fell asleep in the shower/bath: nope
14. Gone to Church: regretfully
15. Never slept during a night: what?
16. Ever been on a motorcycle or motorbike: yup
17. Been to a camp: nope
18. Sat in a restaurant w/o ordering: yup
19. Seen someone die: not yet
20. Gone a week w/out shaving: yup
21. Didn't wash your hair for a week: i was it everyday
22. Broken something valuable: yup
23. Thought you were in love: yup
25. Screamed at someone for no reason: nope
26. Said I love you and meant it: yup
27. Been hurt by a guy/girl you loved: yeah
28. Stayed up till 4 am on the phone: nope
29. Pulled a prank? yup
30. Made fun of someone? yup

+||SECTION FOUR:Which Is Better..

1. Coke Or Pepsi: coke
2. Cats Or Dogs: cats
3. DVDs or VHS: fuck technology
4. Deaf Or Blind: blind
5. Pools Or Hot Tubs: neither i dont like water
6. Television Or Radio: television
7. CDs Or MP3's: cds suck ass and im too poor for an mp3 player
8. Apples or oranges: apples
9. Strawberries or Blueberries: strawberries
10. Gold or silver: both
11. Vanilla or chocolate: vanilla
12. Movies or music: music
13. Park or Beach? park
14. Hot or Cold weather? cold
15. Sunset or Sunrise? sunset

+||SECTION FIVE:When is the Last Time You..

1. Took a shower: yesterday
2. Cried: dunno
3. Watched a Disney movie: 2 weeks ago
4. Given/gotten a hug: yesterday, lauryn :)
5. Been to the movies: yesterday, after sunset
6. Had a boy/girlfriend: during the summer
7. Kissed someone: the night i woke up in the hospital
8. Said I love you: dunno
9. Danced: i dont dance
10. Did a survey like this: dunno

+||SECTION SIX:What is..

1. Your Fondest Memory Of This year: crystal
2. Your Most Prized Possession: my music
3. The Thing That Makes You The Happiest: not being alone anymore
4. Your Favorite Food For Breakfast: havent eaten breakfast in months maybe more than a year
5. Your Favorite Food For Dinner: dunno
6. Your Favorite Slow Song: dunno
7. Your Ideal BF/GF: someone i love unconditionally, and will always be there for me like i am for them

+||SECTION SEVEN:What do i feel about...

1. Bill Clinton: good pres
2. Love at First Sight: for osme its real for some its not
3. Abortion: it cant talk, fuck it
4. Smoking: love it
5. Death: when?
6. Eating disorders: i havent eaten in a week does that count?
7. Rap: juggalo 'til i die
8. Marilyn Manson: love him
9. Premarital sex: hey, it happens
10. Suicide: your life to take


1. Full birth name: Sean Brett Koretoff
2. Hair color: dark brown
3. Eye color: hazel
4. Current height: 6'4"
5. Glasses/contacts: i have glasses i dont wear
6. Birthdate: March 7, 1988
7. Religion: Pagan
8. Current age: 16
9. Siblings: uno
10. Siblings age: 15
11. Location: "my room"
12. College plans: dont have em
13. Any piercings: not yet goddamnit


1. Best guy friend: aaron
2. Best girl friend: chryssa
3. Current crush: it wouldnt be a crush if i told
4. Boyfriend/girlfriend: im alone
5. Are you center of attention or wallflower: wallflower
6. What type automobile do you drive: when i do it will be a '79 wagoneer
7. Are you timely or always late: depends
8. Do you have a job: nope
9. Do you like being around people: few
10. Hobbies: hating the world


1. Have you ever loved someone you had no chance with? no
2. Have you ever cried over something someone of the opposite sex did? nope
3. Do you have a "type" of person you always go after: nope
4. Want someone you don't have right now? yes
5. Ever liked a close guy/girlfriend? yup
6. Are you lonely right now? christ yeah
7. Ever afraid you'll never get married? dunno
8. Do you want to get married? sure i guess?
9. Do you want kids? sure i guess
10. Would you rather love or be loved? mutual love is the only thing that works


1. Room in house: dunno
2. Type of music: metal
3. Location for dates: dunno
4. Memory: dunno
5. Day of the week: dunno
6. Color: red/black
7. Perfume or cologne: AXE: pheonix
8. Flower: umm rose?
9. Month: dunno
10. Season: winter

+||In the last 48 hours have you..

1. Cried: nope
2. Bought something: coca cola
3. Gotten sick: nope
4. Sang: along with music
5. Said I love you: no
6. Wanted to tell someone you loved them but didn't: yeah but...
7. Met someone new: yeah hailey from murrieta
8. Moved on: from what?
9. Talked to someone: yeah
10. Had a serious talk: nope
11. Missed someone: yeah
12. Hugged someone: lauryn
13. Kissed someone: nope
14. Fought with your parents: nope
15. Dreamed about someone you can't be with: nope
16. Had a lot of sleep: yup
17. Thought you were in lov: nope
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