May 09, 2010 19:17
Happy Mother's Day, to all mommies!
GVS is doing quite well. She's had a cold for the past week, which has affected eating and sleeping, but she's getting better. Other than that, she's a very busy baby! She's very good at the things that a two-week old does: nursing, sleeping, and pooping, mostly.
I'm still figuring out out to manage house stuff and baby stuff. But my various baby books assure me that if the baby's still alive and the house is standing, I'm doing pretty well!
As for me, I'm doing fairly well. I've lost most of the water weight, and can actually fit into some old clothing. I've had a couple of nasty cases of the Baby Blues. One minute, I'm fine, and then the next, I'm bawling my eyes out. I'm a horrible mother, I can't make my daughter happy, vie given up any chance of ever having a normal happy life, so on and so forth. And after a good cry, I usually get over it. But boy, it's difficult!
I doubt that I'll have very interesting news to post for a while, aside from GVS's progress as she grows. But there's Balticon coming up, and all sorts of events and travel this summer. So maybe I'll even come up with interesting stuff.