Apr 19, 2010 13:58
So. OB check up this morning. Another BPP sonogram.
As things currently stand, I'm 1+ cm dilated (less than 2, but more than I've been for the past month), 50% effaced, and Baby is lower toward the birth canal. She's also face up (NOT the ideal position for birth), but I've got some exercises that will hopefully help to turn her.
Due to the general lack of progress, the lack of contractions, and the observed reduction of amniotic fluid (nothing to be alarmed by, but it was measurable) - oh, right, and the fact that I've been miserably uncomfortable - we've decided to induce.
This is not unexpected.
I will report to the hospital on Wednesday evening, where they'll stick me in one of the delivery rooms and start me on Cervocil (basically a "starter" drug for induction, from I understand). I can then spend the night as I like. Hubby and I may walk, read, watch movies, or just catch the last night of uninterrupted sleep we'll get for months! And then on Thursday morning, my OB will come in and start me on Pitocin.
By Thursday night, barring any complications, I'll be holding my daughter!
I'm so excited. True, it's not the natural delivery I had hoped for, but who cares? The key aspect of my birth plan was that I wasn't going to lock myself into any decisions. I was going to take drugs if I really needed them. I was going to bow to the inevitable if it came down to a C-Section. Basically, I was going to do whatever it takes for a healthy baby. And this, we've decided, is the best plan overall.
I may type up one more post on Wed. night, but everyone, please wish us luck!