Week 26!

Jan 07, 2010 14:20

...in Week 26

Baby's on a Schedule... for Now

Your baby measures about 9.2 inches from crown to rump and weighs almost 2 pounds now. A pattern similar to life outside the womb is starting to develop. You may notice a distinct wake-sleep cycle, where periods of activity alternate with quiet times on a regular basis. Your baby's senses are coming into full bloom. Its hearing is fully developed. As the fetus reacts to sounds, its pulse increases. Your baby will even move in rhythm to music. Lungs are growing but are not yet mature. Patterns of your baby's brain waves appear like a full-term newborn. The baby's constant movements should be reassuring. You'll be putting on weight at the rate of about 1 pound per week now. You may be feeling some rib pain as your baby grows and pushes upward on your rib cage. The pressure may also cause indigestion, heartburn and shortness of breath. You may even be feeling stitch-like pains down the sides of your abdomen as your uterine muscle stretches.


So. I'm officially into my 3rd trimester.

The Little Brat, as I've started referring to her fondly, moves. A lot. It makes me happy that she's so healthy and active, but it's also often a bit uncomfortable. In addition, her idea of a sleep/wake schedule doesn't actually conform to mine. And sleeping doesn't happen much, unless I use the invaluable, doctor-prescribed pills. I try not to rely on those too often.

I feel like 2010 is NOT off to a great start for those around me. At least three deaths that I know of (and I'll apologize for the multiple posts, but one of these requires a separate mention, which will follow this post shortly), illness, house difficulties... Many days where you just want to stop and start over again from the beginning.

But I'm trusting that things will look up. I'm off to Arisia next weekend, which means that I have a LOT of sewing to do this weekend. The really awesome "Science Experiment Gone Wrong" costume that Hubby and I had planned, which involved glowy lights "peeking" through my skin and a "portal" on my belly through which you can see the horrible thing growing there, just didn't come together, as we were too busy to construct the heavy crafts and electronics. But I am doing the Fertility/Earth Goddess costume. Lots of flowy see-throughish green and brown and gold fabrics, and Regan is painting my belly and other parts of me. If this comes together the way I envision, it will be very neat. I just have a lot of work to do!

It's cold as a witch's tit outside. I finally gave up on trying to button my coat, and I've started wearing my mother-in-law's loaned wool cloak. It's very well made, but it's absolutely enormous. Honestly, too large for me to wear comfortably. The arm slits and pockets aren't comfortable to get at, the wide shoulders drag down... It's very unattractive. But damned if I'm going to run out and buy a maternity coat that I'll get maybe two months' use out of. So there.

There's a huge Real Estate conference down in Florida next week, and all of our brokers are attending. That means almost of entire week with a nearly empty office. It will be both relaxing and productive for us, or at least I hope it will!

And last of all, it's my Father-in-law's 75th birthday today. Three quarters of a century is pretty damned cool. We're all going out for a very swanky dinner tonight - I brought tall, fancy heels to wear, which means that you aren't peeling me out of my comfy sneakers until I'm good and ready. I expect that I'll hate myself by the time I get to the restaurant. But at least I'll look about as good as it's possible for a 6+ month preggo lady to look!

pregnancy, life

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