Ugh ... Back at Work

Nov 30, 2009 14:38

Thanksgiving was nice. It was great to see my dad and step-mother, and all of my sibs. It was also really, REALLY nice to spend time with people who are realistic and down-to-earth about pregnancy. None of that "Oh, you can't do this, or you can't eat that - it might hurt the baby" crap. Almost every time I mentioned some other thing, Dad looked at me and said, "Well, you turned out just fine..."

Caught up on my sleep - Check
Spent some quality time with each family member - Almost Check - Jeff had to work
Helped Dad with this dance performance thing he's been roped into for his synogogue - Check
Got some good advice about baby and the baby equipment that I actually need - Check
Finally converted Dad and Randi to a Mac - Check

So, basically, it was a lovely, relaxing visit. And we had a pretty relaxing day yesterday. And I slept last night. So why the hell did I sleep my entire way to work, and am now feeling exhausted? At least I don't feel ready to cry at the drop of a hat, like last week...

Oh, and Hubby has been sent up to NYC for the week, for some emergency work thing. So my quality of sleep just went winging out the window.

On the other hand, I'm compiling a list of baby stuff that I want to check out. I suspect that I will need to find a companion for the trip to Babies R Us, or wherever I go. Those places are scary!

family, pregnancy, life

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