twas on a day in April month we started from the city

Aug 15, 2006 13:15

So hey. Good thing happened today. Well. Sort of good. Apparently my driving lesson was rescheduled (I hadn't heard XD) and Dad wanted to go driving anyways, so he and I went instead. And GUESS WHAT.


Seriously, this is big freakin' news. Nothing horrible. No yelling (except once in practicing parking, where I hit the gas instead of brake, which.. yeah.. well.) of any monstrosity, no crashing, almost no sidling-off-the-road, no getting lost... I'm happy about today so far. :3

He even said that I "did pretty well". Wow.

Off to work for 4, gonna stop at the bank. Looking back on it, there are a lot of hours here for very little pay. Gotta leave a note today or tomorrow to see if I can have the 24th evening off (for Loki's moving party ;____;) and double-check for Sunday (see below).

:) Dave's gots a job interview today for.. what was it? Future Shop or somesuch. G'luck, beebs. Laboo.

Off this weekend (hopefully) to Ohio :3 For John's and (cousin)Sara's birthdays. Yaey!

And now, off to lunch. :D

work, driving, family

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