Early, early, so very, very early on Friday morning, I am leaving for Yellowstone. I have never been! I am all excite! Evidently the animals will be particularly active, getting ready for the long winter so there should be elks doing their mating things and bears doing their feeding things. I just finished watching Ken Burns' documentary, so in my mind's eye the trip's details mostly involve things like how to keep my silk slips clean and how to walk around the forest in kitten heels. I think I'll have a good time, though, regardless of whether or not I can maintain my finger curls.
Overnight temperatures are a little colder than comfortable, so we've rented a cabin in Dubois, Wyoming. Pronunciation: DUE-boys. Population: 962. Bonus: homemade donuts at the local cafe. Important fact: birthplace of Dr. Jears himself. This makes me wish that Matthew Fox's next gig would involve cowboys in some way. Sad, sad cowboys who are so sad they are sad. I plan on standing out in the dark, alone, crying into the night sky to celebrate my proximity to such greatness.
Who has audio-book recommendations for the long car trip portion of the adventure? I'm looking for something not too heavy, possibly non-fiction. Freakonomics was a great one from a while back since it dealt with a variety of interesting subjects, but with a light touch & acted as a good jumping point for further discussion. And yes, yes, Philosopher's Stone, I know, I know. Anything else?