May 11, 2008 02:03
...I will not simply wait and watch, as this place is torn apart. It is not enough that he simply die... he must die by my hands!
Creature! I am coming for you.
(OOC: Pending approval from PC-bb, Sasuke's taking the Manda Express to Godville. There, he's going to try and chase after the crazy bastard. Wish him luck!)
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((OOC: She's basing her knowledge from what the other Sasuke - who remembers her but she doesn't remember him - told her XD))
(OOC: Okeydokey~ And, he remembers Misao, too~<3 )
Yeah, you already told me you know me. But I didn't get your name?
Sasuke. Uchiha Sasuke.
Okay, Sasuke-san. This brother of yours. What could he have possibly done to make you want to kill him so badly?
Reply's not your concern.
... Okay, maybe it's not my business but you could have just said that you don't want to talk about it!
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