Mar 21, 2006 18:37
ahhh SO strange... now all layout stuff is back to normal/how it was before! wtf? ...oh well, I'm not complaining
anyway hmmm... today was the physiology trip, which was REALLY cool. If you don't know we went to St. Barnabas Medical Center in NJ and watched a kidney transplant. Us + a bunch of kids from a NJ HS were in this room which had a video feed into the OR. We were supposed to have back and forth audio too, so we could ask the operating team Qs during the surgery (...yeah, doesn't sound like a good idea to me either. lol) but (fortunately for the patients?) the audio wasn't working right so they had another doctor that was involved in it come and narrate and answer our Qs, and then the main surgeon came out to talk to us a bit later.
very, very cool stuff...
It was really amazing to watch all that live. The surgery on the donor was laproscopic which is totally insane b/c the doctor is pretty much operating blind... just seeing everything thru a camera/monitor ("like a video game" as someone said, lol). I dunno, that'd freak me out, not being able to actually see what I was doing.
anyway lately, with my internship (which btw connected very nicely to this, I knew so much more of what was going on... at 1 point I thought to myself "I opened that kind of lancet + thread last week!" haha) and the cat dissection and now this, I've definitely been a lot more fascinated with medicine... but at the same time I think it's more of an appreciative thing, like I'm amazed that people can do these kinds of things and, "perform miracles", not to sound corny lol, but not that I'd necessarily wanna be there doing all that myself. I dunno, at this point I feel like a career in medicine wouldn't just be something my parents forced me into, but still... I don't know if I'm masochistic enough to put myself through med school heh
hmm what else? ohhh I never wrote about our lotr-thon (happy diana? lol) We watched Fellowship on Thurs. night, some extras on Fri. morning before Janice had to leave, and then me and Diana watched TTT and RotK until like 8. wow. fun, but also... very exhausting. haha it would've been less so if we hadn't been tired, but it was also just hard to keep still for so long (we watched the Extendeds.) It's insane though, I still can't believe we did it. (dorks.) whooo!
sindhu's back... yay sindhu, welcome back to america! lol
anddd... (save the best for last. yeah right.) april 1st is SO soon. (I'd insert Anthony's "sooooon" if I knew how.) it's... exciting and pretty scary. Asking around to find out what time graduation will be (cuz I have something else earlier that day) made the prospect of that a little more real in my mind, but it's still so unreal, all of it. like, I can't grasp my mind around the fact that we're gonna be choosing what college to go to (many of us have already)... and graduating. wow.