A big karate-chop against karate class

Feb 02, 2004 13:11

About 90 percent of our block decided they will boycott PE class today. It was in reaction to our instructor's less than adequate apparent knowledge of (teaching) karate, which he himself convinced the administration to be our PE subject for this term. See, we (at least, the majority of my classmates) were looking forward to learning badminton this term, I suppose because badminton was pretty easy to learn, it was fun, and Sir Simon apparently knew a lot about it. But lo and behold, our brown-belter instructor decided that we should learn another martial-art (we had arnis last term). Ergo, another term of dojo-style classes, doing awkward, repetitive, and often physically straining exercises. This time around, the exercises were even more awkward and physically straining than before.

Needless to say, our block has had enough. Some people went straight home after lunch. Others decided they will go to the malls to play video games.

Of course, being the goody-goody that I am (hehe!), I decided I'll be attending PE, most probably with, um, let me count...about four other classmates. Hopefully, this should boost my PE grade a bit. *evil grin*

Hey! What's a grade-concious geek to do? :P
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