My heart wil go on...until I wake up anyway.

Mar 24, 2005 20:34

So spring break is here, although I’m not doing anything too exciting, it’s a time to relax. I just got a new job, that’s right no longer Mr. AE, I am not employed by Abercrombie and Fitch. A job that I actually really enjoy, I’m too lazy to explain my reasoning for leaving my job that was my second home for over two years and defend working for a sexually degrading company such as Abercrombie. Just know I am happy with my decision.
I wish I had some other exciting news to report, but unfortunately I do not

I did have a dream last night though…
It was a beautiful spring day the sun was shinny and I was out on the open seas, I later fond out it was the Atlantic Ocean. You see I was chillin with my buddy Cal on the deck of the Titanic, when before I knew it I was running through the halls of the grand titanic with Leo D. to find the love our life Rose. When we did find her, she ran right into my arms like my long lost love. Yeah that’s right she snubbed Jack Dawson for me! Anyway after we hugged and reunited like we knew we would, we flew off to the lifeboats. Once in a lifeboat, Rose, Jack, Cal, and myself all kind of chilled. I quickly lit a cigarette (which was in fact Marlboro Menthol Light) and Rose asked for one was well, since it was my last we decided to share. However the refreshing breath of nicotine was ruined by the salt taste the ocean was giving off. Cal began to get kind of crazy with some large silver swords that appeared out of nowhere and began to stab himself and later us, this was when I woke up.
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