Aug 17, 2009 08:59
Just finished up a 7 day workweek and heading into a 6 day workweek. Working straight through for 13 days just to get one day off and then onto another 13 days is a bit tedious!
M-F work is going OK. Keeping busy and enjoying the actual advising stuff. It's the "other" stuff that is getting to me though.
The store is doing well. Busy weekend. I put out some new merchandise and rearranged and "staged" some new areas in the store.
A friend from Port Angeles came down at the end of the day and we went out to dinner at Sirens and went back to the store and hung out a bit before heading home.
House stuff is coming along slowly (partially due to such a full schedule and partially due to laziness!!) and I'm still working on my diet. Weigh-in day is tomorrow. I'll either be happy or extremely depressed then!
I'm hoping for the happy!!!