I finally caught up with TV after the long weekend and:
-Dave Giuntoli finally showed some skin on Grimm (why can't I find a better picture than this, Internet??
) , which was one of the only two highlights Plumed Serpent had (the other one being Monroe getting caught by Nick on the audience of a burlesque show) and omg, Dave, next time try taking the whole shirt off well done!
-Although I love Daddy!Booth on Bones, I miss the Reading-comic-books-in-the-bathtub-wearing-a-beer-helmet!Booth...maybe is just me. Mom!Brennan is adorable and why didn't she get pregnant before???
-I think Castle is trying to break my heart. Esposito, why you so conveniently forgot to tell Beckett that Castle was behind the mirror during her interrogation???? Now Castle is being a mix of heart broken and intentionally hurtful...
-HIMYM, I won't even....
-Awww, Cougar Town!!! Between Ellie acknowledging that Bobby and Andy were a six pack away from running away together and Andy being more upset about Angie's cheating than Bobby, I can't stop grinning at this show!! Also, Greyson struggling to put shoes on her baby daughter was adorable, and Travis taking a picture of Jules and Greyson taking a nap and Grayson being the little spoon ('...It makes me feel safe)...alfjkdmbgln,lñgh, I WANT A FOURTH SEASON!!
-Glee just made me realized that Matt Bomer looks way more pretty not wearing suits like in White Collar. And although his singing and dancing were amazing, for some reason I hope that Tim DeKay made fun of him for starring on Glee...
-Once Upon A Time premiere in Latinamerica, finally!, and I'm interested. The whole Prince Charming in a coma and Snow White being the one waking him up is a nice change! The Queen is a bitch and Henry is a BAMF, those are my conclusions after two episodes...
-Community, omg!! Abed and Troy are back together, and maybe, MAYBE, Jeff is considering a actual relationship with Annie?? And, god, how screw up is Britta thinking that a man being sweet to her is a loser?? PLEASE, TROY, FIX HER!!
Also, this:
- And finally, The Finder. I hope somewhere there's a gif of Walter dancing, because that was incredible. Also, I need more Walter/Isabel scenes, they're priceless and lovable. And 'What the Walter, Walter' may be the best quote so far.
One more thing, I just found out Will Sasso will play Curly on the new The Three Stoges movie and I don't know if being incredible happy or incredible pissed off...