(no subject)

Nov 17, 2012 12:51

Lesson notes while the pups run around me I the indoor arena

You CAN use the inside rein a touch more IF you have your legs on!

When in doubt, OuTSIDE leg into outside hand support, NOT the instinctual inside rein grab you think you need

Cantering Left especially, spiral in, get her up on her ass and into the outside aids entirely, then spiral out.

No more then 5 strides counter flex but be careful of her "Holding" it after. Over flex to inside after a stride or to to break it up

Be aware of my hands when she starts rooting in her stride

Upper body position!!!!!

REALLY check that hand from dropping in haunches/forehand work.

Work her in the walk with loose rein leg yields, in front of leg, touches of rein as needed, loose

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