
Mar 16, 2012 19:17

This was LAST Friday, but I've been busy :)

Distance: 6.52 miles
Elapsed Time: 1:15:46
Avg Speed: 5.2 mph
Max Speed: 20.6 mph
Min Altitude: 4,453 ft
Max Altitude: 5,450 ft

We'll call this the "almost" ride.

We almost did the upper loop. Denali almost had enough energy. The snow was almost melted enough.

You get the idea :)

On the bright side, we did some SERIOUS gallops in there! woot.

The footing on the fire road is amazing right now - nearly no one is driving on it (and entire sections are closed off from vehicles) so it's not as compacted down. Also, recent snow melt/rain has softened the sand so nearly the entire length is excellent footing. Which means when Denali did her "but mom I want to gooooooo!" protest (she did this last summer. just one ride. then decide conserving energy was GOOD insteaad), I let her go. Which means we got about 2/3 up the sunny side of the canyon and she just flat out pooped. Also, I was eyeing the not-sunny side of the canyon and the snow I could still see on the trails back down (which are all single tracks, no fire roads) and starting to hesitate. So combine that with a horse who went from full guns roaring to huffing and puffing, I decided that there was no harm in actually backtracking and doing a semi-legal snowy-river impression down the hill side to the canyon bottom (except at a walk. I'm not THAT insane).

In all, an excellent ride and I need to dig out our breastplate and trail bags for REAL rides soon. yay! (or suck it up and get a nice endurance breastplate like Marie has for Deli :) )

now if only something GREEN would show up for the trails… it's pretty dismal looking out there right now :P But still, overall she's doing great time and we're fit (when someone PACES herself….) and these 5-10 mile ranges is really what suits us best. Endurance could be done but …naw. We both have too many OTHER fun things to do :D

  Inside Out by Traveling Wilburys from Traveling Wilburys [Disc 2] (Rating: 0)

trail riding maps, trail riding

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