Busy Jules is busy!

Feb 23, 2012 01:41

Uni begins again in just over a week. Over the past fortnight i've been changing gears. Making lists, doing things on said lists instead of wistfully ignoring it to look at pretty/cool things on the webs. I've got four people who I garden for every 2 to 3 weeks with the occasional odd job here and there, which has meant rent has been paid. Not enough to have any kind of play money, but it's something.

My life feels full. It's full of activities, friends, lovers and some peaceful hermit time for me every now and then.

I have numerous projects on the go which I need to give more time to, but given i've managed to get my uni load into monday and wednesday, I can learn more Japanese, garden every now and then, make my hobby business go somewhere and get, say a one day a week job somewhere so I can buy straw and poo for my garden and miniatures to feed my 'plastic crack' addic-icangiveupanytimeilikeijustdontwantto-tion.

Woo Post!

life, uni

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