Mar 26, 2007 21:40
package from home plus much anticipated delivery of shiny new 20" iMac = happy Jules.
The big CM or combined meeting of all the native teachers and Japanese teachers in Shizuoka went well. My demo wasn't til after lunch so I had a whole lot of time to freak out about my demo beforehand. It was nice to see the Japanese teachers do their classes tho. We don't get an opportunity to see that even though it was just the curriculum and sans the students.
I managed to finish my demo with 5 minutes to spare, not having the process feel rushed at all and even including stuff that wasn't there. I have a feeling that the culture of not criticising openly had something to do with the lack of comments but some of the other teachers were picked up on things.. so maybe I did alright. Not used to thinking in these terms, that I can occasionally be well prepared and competent individual.
After a quite hideous phone bill I really need to stop sending copious MMS messages and video calling. It's just so cool to play with gadgets! Damnit!
We got paid the day before the CM but it was a bit on the light side as our first two weeks of training apartment costs are deducted from it and I got an extra futon for when friends drop by (hint hint for all you people who like the idea of having somewhere to stay in japan) and all these costs came out as well as it being a short pay month.
makes sense in my world ;)
We compensated for this hardship by going shopping and then drinking.