Co-Mod Application

Feb 05, 2008 20:14

So I am not going to be able to get my computer fixed until a month from now. So I need someone to put up the challenges for me. If you want, I could even put up the voting and winners, and you would just be in charge of the challenges. And then when I get my computer back, you can say if you want to stay on board as the co-mod and we would just alternate challenge then.

what i ask you you: switch challenges every other (includes putting up challenge, midweek, voting & winners, although if you ever can't put something up just let me know) and also if you can tag the entries like they are now (ex: challenge 27, announcement, voting, winners). the challenges can be of anything doing with Friday Night Lights, whether it is episode caps, stills, actors, or whatever else you think of.

here's the application. just basic stuff..

3)Time on the computer:
4)Why you should be co-mod:
5)Any experience:

comments are screened, and i'll leave this open until there are a couple applications.

application, !mod post

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