Nov 03, 2007 16:44
Email: afrocurl [at] livejournal [dot] com
Things I like: Fic--something that takes a good look at Matt's development this season, or something about Landry and Tyra from S2 (you can ask for specifics later.) So long as Lyla isn't a big part of the fic, I'm more than grateful, actually.
Thing I can do: Fic. I don't love Lyla in any capacity and I'm not always feeling Eric/Tami, but I can handle anything else.
I can offer some basic icons, (the quality of the caps will be better from S1 than S2, but that's just because of where they are coming from.)
I can offer a decent amount of music for a fanmix, too, for that matter.
Things I CAN'T do: Showing any sort of love for Lyla, Tim/Lyla and Jason/Lyla. (It's a general pattern, I swear.) I'm getting more comfortable writing slash, but it might not come off great.
2007 wishlist,