Challenge # 11b - The Prequel List

Jul 18, 2007 13:50

Since the original challenge #11 failed, here's a second attempt at it.


That's right. Gimme backstory. There's a list below of ideas, but feel free to take it and run. I've seen some of these float around, but I figured it couldn't hurt for fanon to fill the blanks in even more.

Challenge is due next Thursday morning ( aka July 26th)

The Prequel Laundry List

1. Write about the first time Coach Taylor met one of his players. Jason, Tim, Smash, Matt heck, even Bradley

2. In honor of Baby!Taylor, how was Tami's labour with Julie? Hard? Easy? Drugged? Premie, overdue, you name it, you can write it.

3. Lyla and Jason. Go back to the origins.

4. Screw that. Jason and Tim the origin fic.

5. Well we're at it, how about a Matt and Landry origin fic?

6. Any adult couple's first meeting/first date/proposal/wedding/break-up (Mama Smash and Daddy Smash, Matt and Matt's mother, Walt and Riggins!Mom, Joanne and Mitch Street, Coach and Tami Taylor, Buddy and Pam Garrity, Mayor Rodell and Lucy etc.)

7. The first time any character came in contact with Panther Mania.

8. Smash!Family's move to Dillon.

9. Why Lyla and Tyra became enemies.

10. Any meeting of a primary character (Coach, Tami, Julie, Matt, Tim, Jason, Lyla, Smash, Landry or Tyra) with a secondary character.

I'm low on ideas, so post any and all below. All must be pre-pilot.

challenge #11b, list

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