Mar 24, 2008 18:13
Sometimes, I feel like that's true. How often do I go online for ideas for snippets of code? Or end up talking about that popular YouTube video going around? Or quoting Chuck Norris 'Facts'? I'm willing to bet that nothing I do is original. Except wear tin foil in November. And dress like a pirate in August. And dress like an Indian in September...
Ok, so maybe I have a little originality left. But some days, it just doesn't feel like it!
I've been wanting to post lately, but by the time rolls around that I'm able to sit at a computer and type it up, I've either forgotten what I wanted to say, or there's too much running through my head that I just say screw it, and don't bother. Also I've still been mulling the 'blog' transition (as per my previous post). So who knows what I'll do.
Overall life is pretty much 'ok'. I feel like I work a bit too much. Still on the temporary 'living with Dad' kick while I try to dig myself out of some debt. Kevin moved in and has successfully (hopefully) gotten a job. The timeline is still to be reasonably debt free and moving into a place back in Bloom with him and my buddy Bill by the end of May. Not sure if it'll happen yet, but it's good to have goals, right?
Festival season is coming up - I've contacted many of the staffers and lined up volunteer positions again. Whether I'll have money or not to go, I'll still be able to pull it off and to be honest, I found last year very gratifying. I really got a new appreciation for every festival I went to being able to lend a hand in the facilitation of such a great time.
I'm very single these days and, as usual, am quite ok with that. It's just so much less complicated to be own your own. No compromising. No hassle of scheduling. Nothing to worry about except myself. Life just always seems so much simpler this way. Sure it's missing some perks, but when you get into the thick of a stressful relationship, I really don't see those perks outweighing my simple care-free life. But as they always say, 'you just haven't met "the one" yet'. That may or may not be true (most likely not since I believe in More/Less Compatible over the Soulmate ideal), but either way, I'm mostly happy now and I think that's what counts. Besides, I came across a saying somewhere that I believe holds pretty true: Happiness isn't something you experience; it's something you remember. -- Too bad I never remember anything :p
Well I suppose that's enough for now. Back to the grind *sigh* I have no travel plans for the new few months as I'm in 'buckle down and pay shit off' mode, but as always, I'm up for an adventure if there's one to be had :) I miss a lot friends who have fallen off the radar over the years. Alas, c'est la vie.
Also, I haven't shaved for 5 days. I'm thinking of going another 5. Just to see what happens.