
Dec 06, 2013 09:32

Fluffy stuff on the ground, 18 degrees, so not going to melt for about a week. The up-side? The snow fills in all the cracks that let in the cold air, so acts as an insulator. Still, need to put on a couple of layers to keep warm. Have the floor furnace pilot on, but it gets snuffed out every time I try to set it to the "on" position. So, a visit from a plumber or some such is in order. Wonder if I can get one this week? Hahaha.

The dogs love the snow. Toto just hops all over, like a rabbit. Butters just lumbers along, inspecting things and doing his thing. I think it's pretty.

Got plenty of food in the house, am spending time with the embroidery machine making xmas decorations and finishing up some projects (don't think I'll ever run out of projects). Certainly won't ever run out of fabric. This is good knitting weather, too. And I have a quilt on the frame that I need to finish quilting. Sigh.

Supposed to play some background music for the local Kriskindlemarkt, but don't think that will happen. The director still hasn't called about it, nor sent an email. So - probably won't happen. The German Society will be unhappy, as this is one of their big fundraisers, and Oktoberfest didn't do so well, partly because of the weather. All people seem to want is beer, and don't so much go for the wieners and sauerkraut lately.

At least the power is on, so there is my online stuff. Toto doesn't like that I spend so much time looking at the computer - she'd rather I play with her. She loves chasing tennis balls.
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