Apr 13, 2004 18:48
Note: Always plan out your spring break, and i mean always.
Today was another fairly uneventful day just as the last. Woke up later than usual and I went to go pick up my new retainer at the othrodontist. After that fun 5min. trip I went to the Secretary of State with my dad to check the status of my liscense. As most of you know I recieved a ticket when i was 16 thus puting my "probation" period longer than normal...or so i was told. When i walked into the office i gave the lady my liscense and explained to her my circumstances. She pulled up my record and informed me that there were no restrictions on my liscense. At this point both me and my dad look at each other blankly. After asking a few questions we realize that i probably never actually had a restricted liscense nor the standard 2pts that go along with a ticket. At this point I'm hating the lady who told me i have a restricted liscense 9 months ago. Damn those Secretary of State Bitches.
After returning home i press on with my day, and by press on i mean i picked up my basement and sucked up all of the cobwebs building up. Along witht eh sucking of the cobwebs i also rearranged my car mountage i have building in my basement. It was fun, i added another Corvette Racing poster i got from my field trip to Prat and Miller, the company that builds the Le Mans race cars. Following the cleaning mode i picked up my room and then called ASUS tech support for the second time. Im having dificulty with my computer and i figured some good tech supporrt time was the anwser. Well, each time i call i wait and wait on the line hoping and hoping ill get somebody. Each time i get an operator who takes donw my case information, my phone number and all the necesary garbage. And each timee they say the'll call me later that night to help. And each night they dont. Damn those Tech Support Bitches.
That leaves me where i am now. In front of my computer doing absolutly nothing. Later tonight ill probably be watching Kill Bill with sara seeing as it just came out today.
Well, if any of you people get bored out there give me a ring. Im already waiting for a few phone calls from a few people who just arnt giving them to me.