Feb 08, 2004 21:17
It was sweet, the O.A.R. show that is. It was totally cool. They played a ton of good songs, and everybody ROCKED out hardcore. Ill go through it, moment by moment.
It all began after school Thursday, Robbie, AJ, and I met Kyle, Dylan, Joe, and his other friends in the Adams parking. After the meeting, we shoved off to D-Town. As were going down we met one of those god damn Michigan drivers, you know, the ones that just barly go over the speed limit, yet somehow stay ahead of you. Either way, he was in his ION which we mocked heavly, we passed him, and decide we had won, little did we know, he somehow appeard ahead of us at 10 mile, where there was much cursing to be had. As soon as we got closer to our exit we were looking for Jefferson, where we were supposed to get off. As soon as we see it, we hit the off ramp, then realize we dont wanna go East, where all of a sudden, Robbie swore like a no other. Ive never heard so many obsenity's out of one persons mouth.
After geting to the parking garrage, we had some fun. We flew up to the top of the parking structure as fast as we could, its so much fun :) It was good fun. After that we hit up the Hockytown Cafe, it was so good. I got to see joe, who i havent seen in 3yrs. so that was kinda crazy, we look fairly similar, we were even wearing the same shirt, mine red, his green, but none the less, its the same, same store, smae price, same sale. CRAZY. We had so much fun, the jokes were so funny, and it was very very cool.
Well, full on food, and ready for a good show, we headed to the state theatre where we ran into Jeff Meng, which was so cool, i havnet seen him since summer. Once in line, some guy asked us for a ticket, which we had an extra so we attempted to sell it, however he didnt really have money, but aparently he had some killer opium hash he wanted to trade us. It was shady, he looked 40, and bum like(maby a cop) we gave him the ticket and told him to go. We then got the whole concert rules/weapon rules/drug/smoking rules. It was funny, they made some jokes, it was all good.
Now in the show, we had front row balcony seats which were prob. the best in the house. Toothpick wa the warm up band, he was horrid. Dont buy his CD. Think of a white punk like kid, playing acustic, and doing frestyle rap, then mix in a lot of pot and a big ego. He wasnt good. ALAS, O.A.R. came on and rocked the whole place. they played a lot of new stuff, stuff that isnt out on record yet, some U2, some Bob Marly, EVERYTHING! They were up for more than 2hrs. it was so good. and yes, the balcony does shake when your up there, its totaly sweet!
Well, after the show, we had a blast driving back, not hearing anything at all, it was so loud! Once we got back, we did some doughnuts in the Adams parking let. It was cool, i didnt drive, so i wasnt to worried.
Friday i actually had energy, till about 8, where i died. Sorry Sara and Angela, i was dead tired! none the less, i somehow stayed up till a bit afer one. Saturday i was very slow, i did some community service at GM so that was good. then again, i died. I cant remeber from 4:00 till 8:00. I dont know where the time went. But at 8:00 i had energy, then Tony came over, followed by Lisa. All in all, it was sweet.
Well, i guess i spent the majority of the weekend recovering from the concert, but it was very very cool. Im going to have to do it more often, and hopefully get to see everybody all over agian.